We are travel buddies from Mumbai and have been travelling together since 5 years. We aim to bring to life the vividness of our journeys in black and white paragraphs. The journeys that have enriched our experiences in life with a deeper perspective. And while doing so we want to offer you our travel experiences.

Hence this blog! We have already hit the roads, roaming on them, hunting new places and experiencing life as travellers. And we are doing this with a full time job in hand. Although travelling is not difficult with a 9 to 5  job, entering the world of the blogosphere is challenging. Not impossible though!


We are currently focused on travelling in MAHARASHTRA.

Maharashtra is truly a “Great Land” and the most fascinating region of India. It boasts of great religious, cultural, historical and natural heritage. From massive forts and rock-cut caves, ancient shrines, architectural marvels, beautiful hill-stations, palm-shaded beaches, scenic villages and a variety of wildlife – it has everything for all kinds of travellers.

With our travel stories and travel guides, you will be exploring Maharashtra like never before. At times you will come with us on long road trips. And another day you will be trekking with us in the Sahyadris. Or experiencing cultural and traditional life in a Maharashtrian village. You will enjoy cycling with us in the countryside or going on heritage walks in Mumbai. Or sometimes simply soak in the beauty and marvel at the rich history of Konkan.

This blog may help you as a travel guide but more importantly it will motivate you to pack your bags and roam the roads. And that is the TRUE GOAL of the blog.

The journey is equally important as the destination. We want you to enjoy the travel. And hit the roads without any fear or expectations. Every new place you explore has the potential to enrich your life with new experiences. So enjoy and educate yourself while on the move.


Any kind of travel is incomplete without nature. Nature is everywhere and we have deep respect for it. After travelling together there is a common thread of understanding between us; that being in nature brings peace. These best times in nature go hand in hand with our travels.

Therefore, we have dedicated a sub-category in the blog called ‘Moments With Nature’ where we write about our love for nature and wildlife. It is all about various learnings and observations about our natural surroundings.

There is also a section on ‘Travel Stories & Articles’ where you can read travel essays and our travelogues outside Maharashtra.


The best travelogue we believe is the one which does not talk about how to reach and what to do and where to stay. It is the one that takes you to some place and leaves you there on your own.

We strive to write interesting and unique content. And not re-write the information that can be found elsewhere. Instead, we make recommendations through our stories.

Though we prefer offbeat and slow travel exploring a place in depth, we do not restrict ourselves to any particular niche. We are open to whatever these roads have to offer.

So, Pack Your Bags & Get Ready To Roam The Roads With Us!! Happy Travelling 🙂

– Clement & Steffe